Supporting Projects

We care about a sustainable future. That’s why Simply Milk is certified net carbonzero.

To do this we worked with AgResearch who measure the carbon footprint of Simply Milk and have this audited by our certification partner, Toitū Envirocare. The Carbon footprint of Simply Milk is Cradle to Grave based on emissions from on-farm, manufacturing, distribution, retail, and disposal with on-farm emissions making up the majority at between 78%-84%.

The carbon footprint of Simply Milk varies between 2.2-2.6 for 2L and is 3.9 kgs for 3L of CO2 equivalent per bottle.

After we measure our carbon footprint, we purchase verified carbon credits to offset our unavoidable emissions which Toitū Envirocare surrender and cancel from circulation, to make Simply Milk net carbonzero certified.

The carbon credits we purchase come from projects that our certification partner, Toitū Envirocare, has identified as meeting their quality standards, ensuring that the emissions offsets achieved from carbon credits used in their programme are measurable, verifiable and permanent.

Climate change is a global challenge, requiring global solutions. We are committed to playing a role in finding solutions both here in New Zealand, and abroad in countries where Fonterra operates, to deliver positive global outcomes. That’s why the credits used for Simply Milk come from New Zealand and overseas.

These include:

  1. Permanent native forest regeneration – credits issued under the New Zealand Permanent Forest Sink Initiative, with the land having a covenant registered against its title, which is intended to ensure the trees remain in perpetuity (i.e. are not harvested).
  2. Gold Standard – credits verified and issued under the Gold Standard. The Gold Standard was established in 2003 by WWF and other international NGOs to ensure projects that reduce emissions meet the highest levels of environmental integrity and also contribute to sustainable development. Examples of their projects include renewable energy, landfill gas capture, and provision of sustainable cookstoves.

New Zealand Projects:

Forest Regeneration – Kekerengu, South Island.

Location: Kekerengu. Kaikoura District.

Project type: Reforestation.

Project Relates to the UN’s Division of Sustainable Development Goals of:

Goal 13 - Climate action Goal 14 - Life below water Goal 15 - Life on land

Project details

Around 750ha of 1670ha of land has been converted to native forest on this sheep and beef farm in Kaikoura District. Situated next to an existing DOC reserve, many of the regenerated areas are on steep, erodible hill country. The native regeneration helps to prevent soil erosion and provides an important corridor and support for native biodiversity including Orange Crested Kakariki, Kereru, East Coast Falcons, and Rough Geckos only found in the Kaikoura Ranges. The forest composition is native, including species of Beech, Kānuka, Mānuka and Kōwhai. Pest control also helps to protect biodiversity in the area.

As a working property, the land hosts around 150 beef cows and also 400 beehives. As part of the Permanent Forest Sink Initiative, the underlying land has had a covenant registered against it since 2008. These forested and re-forested areas are intended to remain in protection, in perpetuity.

The Project also contributes to sustainable development by the means of:

  • Sequestering carbon emissions through native forest regeneration (over 100,000 tonnes of carbon sequestered over 10 years)
  • Supporting biodiversity on land through forest habitat.
  • Supporting water quality by reducing soil erosion.

International Projects:

Gold Standard – Bangladesh Cook Stoves.

* Photo provided by Bangladesh Bondhu Foundation

Project details

The project verified by the Gold Standard involves dissemination of improved energy efficient cook stoves, which leads to a reduction in emissions and improved air quality. Traditional cooking stoves in this region can be inefficient and emit small particles of carbon monoxide and other fumes resulting in worsening of indoor air quality, which can result in cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, particularly for women and children. Open-fire traditional stoves usually use wood, agricultural residue and animal dung as fuel.

This project reduces GHG emissions by reducing the amount of fuel (biomass) required to create heat, as well as particulate emissions from the fire – helping to improve health outcomes.

The Project also contributes to sustainable development by the means of:

  • Reduced pressure on remaining forest reserves.
  • Employment opportunities (the Bondhu Chula Foundation which manages this project has engaged approximately 5,000 microentrepreneurs who are involved in stove manufacture and distribution)
  • Reduced costs to households to fuel their cook stoves.
  • Reduced health hazards from indoor air pollution (kitchen smoke).

Gold Standard Wind Power Project in India.

Project details

This project verified by the Gold Standard harnesses the power of wind to generate electricity for India’s national power grid in Lingasugar India.

The project is displacing 80,000+ MWh/year amount of electricity from the generation-mix of power plants connected to the Indian grid, which is mainly dominated by fossil fuelbased power plants.

The Project also contributes to sustainable development by the means of:

  • Supporting affordable and clean energy to increase the development of sustainable and resilient energy infrastructure, helping reduce blackouts and shortages during peak hours of demand.
  • Increasing the share of renewables in the global energy mix.

If you are interested in more detail on our partnership projects please click here to contact us.