Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between Simply Milk and other milks?

Simply Milk not only provides all the natural goodness of milk from NZ farms, it also gives people who drink it the satisfaction of helping the environment.

How?... we’ve measured all the carbon emissions generated from the production of Simply Milk, right from the farm to the fridge and disposal. We continue to work to reduce these emissions (see next question), and offset our unavoidable emissions today, through carbon credits which support forest regeneration and renewable energy projects in NZ and overseas.

What is Simply Milk doing to reduce its footprint?

Fonterra Brands, the manufacturer of Simply Milk, is committed to reducing its emissions, and has developed an emissions reduction plan aligned to Fonterra’s broader Climate Roadmap. It will continue working to reduce its emissions through the supply chain, including in respect of milk collection and manufacturing; particularly through energy and water efficiency and seeking renewable energy solutions.

Please go to for more information on our plan & initiatives to reduce emissions.

What is carbon offsetting?

Everyday activities of business, communities and individuals create carbon emissions which accumulate in the atmosphere and contribute to climate change. Whilst we are committed to reducing emissions, this will take time and innovation. We know climate change is an urgent issue and we need to act. One way we can make a difference right now is by offsetting our unavoidable emissions today through carbon credits to achieve net zero emissions for our Simply Milk products.

What is a carbon credit?

A carbon credit is a way businesses like ours can support defined environmental projects that store, avoid or reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) to balance out the impact of emissions that occur when products are made. We use carbon credits approved by our net carbonzero certifier, Toitū Envirocare, to ensure the highest quality projects that represent verifiable emissions reductions. Toitū’s net carbonzero programme and the carbon credits purchased as part of the programme, are not part of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), and therefore no credits sourced by Fonterra as part of the ETS are used to achieve net carbonzero certification.

What are the environmental projects Simply Milk is supporting to offset its carbon footprint?

We have invested in carbon credits sourced from the regeneration of native forests in New Zealand and renewable energy projects internationally. You can find more details on our Supporting Projects page.

Who are Toitu Envirocare Envirocare?

Toitū Envirocare is an independent organisation that audits and certifies the emissions that are created from producing Simply Milk products. They also recommend projects that are suitable to offset these emissions.

What is the Gold Standard?

The Gold Standard verifies carbon offset projects and issues credits. It represents a higher standard for a climate secure and sustainable world. The Gold Standard was established in 2003 by WWF and other international NGOs to ensure emissions reductions projects meet the highest levels of environmental integrity and contribute to sustainable development, such as renewable energy, landfill gas capture, and provision of sustainable cookstoves.

What is the carbon footprint of Simply Milk products?

The Carbon footprint per 2L Standard Simply Milk is 2.2 kg of CO2 equivalent per 2 litre bottle (from cradle to grave, including on-farm, manufacturing, distribution, retail and disposal of the product). This was a full lifecycle analysis conducted by AgResearch and audited by Toitū.

The carbon footprint for this product comes from the following sources: 81% on-farm, 12% manufacturing (incl packaging), and 7% distribution, retail and disposal.

Here in New Zealand, our on-farm carbon footprint is among the lowest in the world, 1/3rd the global average of milk production overseas. This means we are starting from a low-footprint by international standards, and we will continue to reduce this as we implement more solutions over time.

Please go to for more information for more information on our plan & initiatives to reduce emissions.

Is the bottle recyclable?

Yes, these bottles are kerbside recyclable (classified as a 2). What is a ‘2’ = HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene)? HDPE is the most commonly recycled plastic and is considered one of the safest forms of plastic. It is a relatively simple and cost-effective process to recycle HDPE plastic for secondary use.

Why is Simply Milk in plastic packaging? Do you offset the packaging footprint?

Yes, we have measured the carbon footprint of the packaging, and this is included in the Simply Milk product footprint and fully offset. Simply Milk is in our 2L and 3L eco bottle and is recyclable.

What is the range of Simply Milk products – milk type and sizes are there?

Simply Milk is available in 2L & 3L Standard and Lite, and 2L Calci.

Where can I buy Simply Milk products?

Simply Milk is available in Pak N Save, New World & Four Square stores in the North Island.