Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between Simply Milk and other milks?

Simply Milk is made with the natural goodness of milk from New Zealand farms.

We’ve also measured all the carbon emissions generated from the production of Simply Milk, right from the farm to the fridge and disposal. We continue to work to reduce these emissions, and offset any unavoidable emissions, through carbon credits sourced from Gold Standard projects. You can find more details on our supporting project page.

What is Simply Milk doing to reduce its footprint?

Fonterra understands the greatest impact it can have on emissions reduction is to focus on its own emissions – including those produced on-farm. Instead of targeting product specific emissions reductions, Fonterra is now firmly focused on making overall reductions, both on-farm and in manufacturing of products generally. In 2023, Fonterra launched new organisation-wide Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions reduction targets that have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) as being aligned with a 1.5° trajectory. That includes an on-farm emissions reduction target, and is supported by Fonterra’s Climate Roadmap that outlines the actions the Co-op will take towards its 2030 targets, and ambition to be net zero by 2050. More information can be found at: .

However, in the time since Simply Milk launched in 2020, Fonterra’s strategy – including to be a leader in sustainability – and the global legal and regulatory environment relating to green claims, and use of carbon credits to offset emissions, has and continues to evolve at pace. Fonterra seeks to balance consumer demand for more sustainable options with best practice in relation to offsetting and related claims. Accordingly, Fonterra is re-assessing its future use of offsetting and net zero carbon claims on its Simply Milk range of products.

How has Fonterra Brands achieved net carbon zero certification?

Achieving Toitū net carbon zero certification for Simply Milk requires measurement, reporting, and management of the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the product, in the form of emissions reductions targets. It also requires offsetting remaining (“net”) annual emissions. As part of this, Fonterra Brands NZ has, via Toitū Envirocare & ClimateImpact, invested in Gold Standard carbon credits, to offset the remaining unavoidable emissions from Simply Milk.

The Toitū net carbon zero certification for products requires a six-year GHG emissions reduction targets to be set - Toitū monitors our progress towards these targets annually. More information is available on the Toitū website – see, for example, here: .

What has Fonterra Brands done to reduce its emissions since the launch of Simply Milk?

We have taken specific steps to reduce carbon emissions for Simply Milk. In 2023, we installed a Renewable Heat Recovery System at our Fresh Milk production plant in Palmerston North where Simply Milk is produced, - this is expected to remove 495 tonnes CO2e annually. This is in addition to Fonterra’s broader, organisation-wide reduction initiatives which also help reduce the footprint of Simply Milk. These are described in Fonterra’s 2023 sustainability report-

We have also implemented energy efficiency initiatives in our milk processing facilities, such as installing LED lighting, optimizing our 'cleaning in place' processes and hot water recovery.

What is a carbon credit?

A carbon credit is a way businesses like ours can support defined environmental projects that store carbon, avoid or reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) to balance out the impact of emissions that occur when products are made. We use Gold Standard carbon credits approved by our net carbonzero certifier, Toitū Envirocare, to ensure the highest quality projects that represent verifiable emissions reductions.

What are the environmental projects Simply Milk is supporting to offset its carbon footprint?

We have invested in carbon credits sourced from Gold Standard projects. You can find more details on our supporting project page .

Who are Toitu Envirocare Envirocare?

Toitū Envirocare is an independent organisation that audits and certifies the emissions that are created from producing Simply Milk products. Toitū also has responsibility for what types of carbon credits are accepted for offsetting under the programme -

What is the Gold Standard

The Gold Standard verifies carbon offset projects and issues credits. It represents a higher standard for a climate secure and sustainable world. The Gold Standard was established in 2003 by WWF and other international NGOs to ensure emissions reductions projects meet the highest levels of environmental integrity and contribute to sustainable development, such as renewable energy, landfill gas capture, and provision of sustainable cookstoves.

What is the carbon footprint of Simply Milk products?

The carbon footprint for the Simply Milk 2L blue product can be broken down as follows: 81% on-farm, 12% manufacturing (incl packaging), and 7% distribution, retail and disposal.

Is the bottle recyclable?

Yes, these bottles are kerbside recyclable (classified as a 2). What is a ‘2’ = HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene)? HDPE is the most commonly recycled plastic and is considered one of the safest forms of plastic. It is a relatively simple and cost-effective process to recycle HDPE plastic for secondary use.

Why is Simply Milk in plastic packaging? Do you offset the packaging footprint?

Yes, we have measured the carbon footprint of the packaging, and this is included in the Simply Milk product footprint and offset.

What is the range of Simply Milk products – milk type and sizes are there?

Simply Milk is available in 2L & 3L Standard and Lite, and 2L Calci.

Where can I buy Simply Milk products?

Simply Milk is available in Pak N Save, New World & Four Square stores in the North Island, New Zealand.

Why are some bottles labelled as ‘Carbon Zero’ and others are ‘Net Carbon Zero’?

Toitū Envirocare updated the official term to Net Carbon Zero in 2022. We have updated our Simply Milk product labels and website to ensure they are consistent with this terminology. Bottles with Carbon Zero on the label are in the process of being updated as the existing packaging runs out.